I have to say that I know many of Holy Cross School's teachers in one respect or another. I know that this year has been extremely difficult for many of them. Most teachers at HC are caring individuals and offer the students a solid education in a safe environment for the most part.
I want there to be no question of my feelings about this. I KNOW that what we are all saying on this site and on others is that the ADMINISTRATION is the PROBLEM.
In fact, Holy Cross has some really good teachers who earn a low salary for the incredible work they do during school hours and at home off the clock.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
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I think it frosts Denise that the parents have been pretty much behind all of the teachers from the beginning. The evaluation from the parents indicated that almost all the parents were happy with their teachers. There may have been some unhappiness with some of the "special" teachers, or should I say "teachers", but Denise, as usual, is trying to confuse the issue.
I agree!! The teachers are generally really good.
Mrs. Jacono has a job to do. I don't think she is as "frosted" as she is shocked by the inappropriate and negative behavior from this community. Being Principal is not a popularity contest. She has some mighty big issues to confront including the content filter. But it is her job not power-hungry parents!!
If the parents were so power hungry, as you have stated, then it would make more sense for them to save the THOUSANDS of dollars that they are spending sending their kids to this school and keep them home to home school them and retain all of the "power" they would be loosing by letting the kids even leave the house. So it may be her job, but it's the parents money that make it possible for her to have a job at this school or for this school to be here at all. Why would someone want to not only send their child to a school, but especially PAY to send their child to a school where their input is not only unappreciated but apparently unwanted as well?
You malcontents number less than one fourth of all parents. Your anonymous and cowardly actions bear out the character that you have!! If you are not happy, go to CR (where your pissing and moaning might get you some attention for a couple of minutes)
I think many of those parents who are happy don't have a clue of all the things that have gone on this year.
Businesses with 25% of their customers being unhappy is not good,even if they are a captive audience. You will keep them as long as there are no alternatives, such as other private schools or charter schools.
DO you want to guess how many inquiries Campus Community had from HC parents this year?
I am not interested in who inquired where to go to school!
Twenty-five percent is twenty-five percent. But listen carefully and try to digest...75% keeps people in business! The other 25% will go elsewhere if they are that unhappy...That is not happening in this circumstance...
I think most parents are generally optimistic and are willing to give it one more year. They have a lot invested emotionally in the school and don't want to give up so quickly. That doesn't mean they won't leave if things don't change. Is it acceptable though to have a larger than normal percentage of teachers and staff leave in one year?
I am not sure what the "power hungry" bit is about....not sure what sense of power one gets when you want to donate a couple cans of paint and your time or a few pizzas. I guess if you were paranoid you might think someone might try to leverage this against you to to get something, but most don't even want recognition for what they have done, so you'll have to clue us in what they hope to accomplish with this so called power.
Quiz, many parents called for her head in both the winter time meeting and on the Newszap board. Getting a person fired is pretty through anonymous postings and rumor is an abuse!
Has anyone here or over in Newszap ever called for anyone to be fired? Changes, yes, but that is a long way from wanting someone fired...unless one thinks that change is impossible. I don't.
She has made some changes, and that is good, but there are some root causes of the unhappiness that one of us will probably blog about soooner or later.
You may remember her comments from the start when she gave an odd answer about being tired of fighting at her old school. The assumption was that it was about enrollment or the merger, but when one talks to parents at Holy Rosary, a different story emerges.
No one called for her head here. What rumors are you talking about?
Quiz, this from your own site:
"When more people get a clue to the goings-on at the school, they'll rethink their choice for leadership or really the lack thereof~~~~~~~~"
Parents don't get to tell Diocese who they should hire and who they should not hire (or fire). That is "power-hungry!"
I would take it to mean that it is the person's choice to leave the school because of the leadership. Parents can't hire or fire, but they should have the right to voice their opinions.
I had to search for that comment, and it was posted by someone anonymously....and it wasn't one of the "editorial staff" here. Even at that there is still wiggle room as to what the poster meant.
Our "editoral policy" is that we want these issues resolved, but we know that some involve very personal ways of dealing with issues. If one believes that screaming at the custodial staff is proper, it will require a fair amount of retraining to learn that this is not acceptable....if that person is willing to change. I think Denise can change, and has changed in some ways, although it may have been somewhat of a reluctant change.
Thanks for reading, and caring.
How does one get to be a member of your "editorial staff"? I think you need a member who may support Holy Cross with a little more zeal!!
I don't think anyone doubts our zeal, and while we don't think that Holy Cross School rises and sinks with one person.
However, we are also extremely fair, unlike some people. If you want to be on the august body, send me an email address, and I'll send you an invitation...include with it a logical and cogent of the most significant, positive change that you think she has done, and I'll publish it. If we get feedback (and by that I mean we get a fair number of comments,either positive or negative...you are in.
What I DON'T want is more of the "you people are just power hungry" or "you people just don't like her decisions". I want to also see that you have an ability to make a logical argument, and defend it with more then "because the Principal/the Priest/the Pope says so" statements.
I look forward to hearing from you.
"What I DON'T want is more of the "you people are just power hungry" or "you people just don't like her decisions". I want to also see that you have an ability to make a logical argument, and defend it with more then "because the Principal/the Priest/the Pope says so" statements."
Quiz, it seems you suffer from the same desire to supress free speech of which you accuse others.
So I think I'll pass. But for the record, I've only posted twice. So your implication that only one person holds these kinds of opinions would be incorrect.
I guess you really couldn't come up with any worthwhile mentionings of Denise's positive side for this past school year.
Maybe if you think hard enough you could invent one or two.
Maybe not.................
Good Luck to you!
Not suppression of free speech, but it is my blog, after all, and I've put similiar "restrictions" on the "editorial staff". There certainly are a lot less restrictions that NewsZap had (which, to whoever got it zapped, was a big mistake). It would be easy to simply tell of every missstep, error, screw up that she has made, but that would not be fair, nor relevant. What I've said is that if you are going to bring stuff up, take it to the next level: Tell us WHY it is important, tell us why it reflects something deeper.
My restriction doesn't mean that you can't defend her, but I want a bit more meat then "She is great, and you people are just trouble-makers, jealous, etc.!" That doesn't add to the discussion.
The comments are a different story. They are anonymous, and I expect it to be a bit rougher. You can continue to post your "She is the greatest" and I won't kill them, but you are missing out on your chance to post your point of view. Your loss, and since I believe that open discussion is best, it is mine, aswell. I hope you reconsider.
My children report that she is visilble in the hallways; she knows their names; she is respected at least by my children. I had two incidents where it was necessary for her to meet out discipline. The discipline was fair and my children learned. She is a good building Principle.
On your suppression of free speech...Call it what you want...it is suppression!!
I've heard mixed reviews from students. Her relationship seems forced with them sometimes. In one classroom, she came in asked "Don't you see me all the time?" That was the week the surveys went out. She's made other odd comments in classrooms too. The issue isn't with her and the children though as much as it is with some parents and teachers.
I meant to say that the problem is with how she interacts with some of the parents and teachers.
One of my children came home quite excited because there was a promise made by the principal of a ski trip. Never happened. Another child reported that, during a writing assignment, the principal entered the classroom and asked the students "don't you have anything negative to write about the teachers?" If that's visibility.........
And, what about leaving the grounds knowing that a student was missing and had not been found?
I would like to hear more about this missing student situation. Do we know for sure that she left the grounds?
Yes - there was a large group of students in the jr high building and their parents were picking them up. Along comes a police officer with the missing student looking for the principal. The office was locked and her vehicle no where to be found. It was suggested to the officer by one of the parents that he go over to the rectory to see if the pastor was there.
Did she know beforehand that the student was missing?
She definitely knew the student was missing.
And as the keeper of the Flame of Truth, I am sure the mighty Quiz might ask you for your evidence that Mrs. J knew a student was missing? Or this is just another rumor generated by unhappy parents.
A faculty member said that Mrs. J. was aware the student was missing.
So let me get this straight, Mrs. J is accused by some nameless "faculty" member of leaving Holy Cross when a child was missing. And we parents take this allegation at face value because why exactly? Do we know if there was another member of the admin aprised of the situation and left in charge? Are there other circumstances that we as parents just are not privy too?? Has anyone asked Mrs. J? Or is she seeing and hearing of parents displeasure for the first time on an internet weblog?? Like to hear some solid answers to these questions Quizzie? Like to hear about all the fantastic detective work that must have been done before this hit the internet...
Geez, I'm even not the one who brought up the question about the missing kid. I didn't say the faculty member accused her of leaving. I just said she was aware of the missing child that day. Nothing more, nothing less.
Well this particular "incident" has been used as an example of poor leadership on the part of Mrs. J. Again I don't think parents get to say that without the definitive proof of neglect of duty that our mighty leader, "The Quiz" requires.
That is one of the advantages of having "named" people. If I screw up or make a charge that turns out to be false, I can be held accountable for it...at least on the blog. Anonymous comments can't be, but that is the nature of the beast.
On this case, I heard a few of the details from a few different sources and it is one of the borderline cases. If she was not around for a legitimate reason, there isn't much she could have done. If she was on her way home, she probably should have come back to school. What we had was a kid who disapeared at the end of the day, so she (or someone) should have been there until the issue was resolved. The fact that the police brought the kid back to an empty school does not reflect well on HC.
If you want to prove this wrong,you could ask her and post the response.
Good answer Quiz! However, it is your Blog as you pointed out. This propogation of questionable information is your responsibility. I think you should ask her. You seem to have proven yourself an honorable individual. Now that this is out there I think you and your crew need to retire to your special office at Wild Quail and decide what to do next.
One of the tough issues is that there is a lot of people who have told me various stories - but are afraid they are too personal in that they will be quickly identified.
I KNOW there are many stories, and while I can disguise them a bit, it takes a bit of faith to accept them....and there are countless other stories What I hope is that one takes such issues that can be "proven" (ie, Parking Fiasco, Internet Filtering, Teacher turnover, student turnover)and tie them into the other issues. Teacher turnover IS high this year, for example, but why?
Unfortunately, the budget got cut this week...might have to go to Uno's,instead....
Quiz, I want to offer two items for your consideration. First, I think you have good intentions at heart, but your approach to deal with them in a very public and negative blog will only serve to hurt your cause. The four issues I posted are on point. You need to stay there and remove the
personalities so that these issues may have some real teeth.
Second, and this is something you better think about hard. Even though it may be against your nature to review and use the delete key, there are big stories being told here that do reflect on you, the forthright carrier of the "Flame of Truth". If in the end no one offers evidence then everything published here is hearsay...and you know what that means...
Good Luck...Might be able to attend your next staff meeting at the "Quail" if you are so inclined to invite me...
I have such a heavy heart reading all of the negativity surrounding HCS and the principal. Can any of you posting your negative comments truly say you have walked in her shoes? How many of you have ever gone into a new position, whether it be a paid position or voluntary and have been overwhelmed by all that there is to do that you don't know where to start? AND there are new fires being started daily that have to be addressed in addition to putting out OLD fires? Where do you start??? Who and what do you address first??? I think the principal has done a pretty darn good job at juggling some of those responsibilities in addition to learning the names of many of the 600+ students AND making much-needed changes to the school ! Sure some issues may have fallen through the cracks, but geez, who has the time & energy to stand there and criticize each time one does?
How many of you have stood in an auditorium or church sanctuary and have had to face parents who have publicly crucified you without remorse? She has had the courage to continue when many others, probably even some of you, would have given up. How many of you here can truly say you would have stepped into her position and absolutely, positively would have done a PERFECT job? Sure, she may have made mistakes along the way but who hasn't? And changes that have been made that you may not agree with boil down to simply a difference of opinion. But those changes don't require crucifying someone over. Your frustration & anger appears to stem from a loss of "control" at HCS that you disguise as "voicing your opinion". Put your kids in a public school and see how much access you have to the school and how much your voice is heard with regard to policy and administration.
How many of you can say that you have truly been behind the scenes in the classrooms, in the hallways and in the office and seen her in action? How many of you have been a fly on the wall and heard her hashing out all of the issues that HCS faces trying to find the best solution - solutions that will satisfy parents, students, administration and still meet budget? I can guarantee that not many of you have been anywhere within those school walls and been privy the discussions surrounding these issues! So what gives you the right to judge and criticize based on heresay, rumor, and speculation? Put your energy into something more productive. You are the ones giving Holy Cross a bad name by posting all of this junk on the internet and calling it your "First Amendment" right. Have a little class.
"We judge others by their actions, yet we would like to be judged by our intentions."
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