Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Some Questions

Hello again! After returning from vacation and catching up on the blog, it appears once again some are expressing concerns and others are of the "if you don't like it, pack your bags" mentality. I certainly don't think the latter is going to solve any of the concerns expressed. Yes, there are alternatives, but one of the reasons we send our children to HC is because of the Catholic education. However, actions and inactions, communication and lack thereof, have threatened the core of that Catholic education. I have a difficult time coming up with an impartial opinion of what has transpired throughout the past year because I really saw no positive changes. Security has been and remains a concern. Is it the fault of the administration that someone was found sleeping in the auditorium? Absolutely not...yet it is a concern that should be addressed and changes need to be made. That incident was an unfortunate result of today's society, not an individual's fault. However, there comes a time when one must step up to the plate and take responsibility for their errors. There have been many administrative errors and wrongs committed, yet there is no accountability. The buck is passed. One of my questions is that I would like someone to explain the difference between a parish school and a diocese school. I have heard that HC is both - does anyone know? Does anyone know if the staff participated in an evaluation of administration? We completed the survey and I attended the meeting but the areas of most concern to us were not addressed at that meeting.


Anonymous said...

Given her reaction when asked if the teachers were given evaluation forms back in February, I seriously doubt if she asked them anything of the sort.

Do you really think she values any ideas that are not hers?

Anonymous said...

I agree with the last comment. I do not believe she gives a "hoot" what the teachers at the school think. It's her way and she could care less about any input from teachers and parents. She is a good talker and I've been witness to it on a few occasions, but she is transaprent to those people who know a good game when they see it.

Denise is in a mindset of her own. She is not a team player by any means.

By the way, how's HER advisory council coming along. I'm sure it will be chock full of parents who are behind her 100%. HAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone here feel that when she gives a reason, she's just saying the "right" thing, but doesn't buy into it? Her reasons don't always make sense if you stop and think about it (especially if you remember what reason she gave before about the same question)?

Anonymous said...

Her idea of original ideas are ones she copies from Holy Rosary. Not a bad idea to copy things that work, but there are differences between the communities.

She is not open to new ideas, or anything that does not reflect directly off of her Maybe she should sit in a few classes at the ELC when they go over sharing.

Anonymous said...

To continue to attack Mrs. Jacono personally is not helping anyone. I think the recent post by Quiz that recognizes progress is where we need to be.

This board needs to focus on the issues:

1. The internet content filter..
2. Security of the school..
3. Free flow of information from
school to parents
4. School climate for both teachers and students.

Any other comments reflect what a previous poster characterized as being after Mrs. Jacono's head!! I agree with that poster to this extent: the parents have no right to hire or fire. But we do have a right to know that each of the four problem areas are being addressed!! That is her job!

Grumpy said...

I, too, agree that there are problems that need to be addressed. Unfortunately, many of us asked for answers to these questions throughout the year and did not receive responses. If concerns, such as the lack of content filtering, are continuously ignored, what else can be done? We were under the impression that this particular issue was solved - imagine our dismay that we were misled!

Anonymous said...

Anyone know why the first skating party was cancelled?

Anonymous said...

I called the skating rink and found that it was canceled due to the fact that Denise did not have it on her calendar. Even though the skating rink was perfectly okay with hosting and all of the children were excited to go. My own children came home and told me it was canceled, didn't know why, and were disappointed that they were told at the last minute. I know another family who had prearranged having a few friends over and taking them to the party with their parents picking them up at the skating rink. Also, some didn't know it was canceled and showed up at the rink only to be told by them that the party was canceled. It may sound small, but it's just another way that things were not communicated this year and reasons not told to parents. We didn't even get a note on this sent home. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Anonymous said...

I heard the student council kids didn't want to have a skating party. I don't think the kids at school were given any reason for the party being cancelled and I don't remember anything coming home to the parents.

Anonymous said...

Pointing our character flaws that impacts a person's competence is not a "personal attack"--no one is calling her names. However, characteristics expected in a successful Christian leader are 1. fundamental competence on the job; 2. Abilty to listen and communicate; 3. Ability to inspire others to share the goal established by the leaders through postive motivation and 4. Living the faith through action--by having a Christlike approach to issues. On these points, she's a zero. The fact that two blogs were established to discuss this place demonstrates a fundamental problem at HC--and it starts at the top--meaning both her and Fr. Dan

Anonymous said...

Great comment.