Monday, December 15, 2008

Heard on the street

I’m hearing there will be more than a few people leaving us at the beginning of the year. Now, we here at Musements have always said losses are rarely for one reason, but interconnected ones. When we’ve pointed out decreased enrollment, or a large turnover, we’ve always left “wiggle room” to acknowledge this. We are a military town, to a point, and there is a certain number of people who will leave due to reassignments, and that can’t be helped. The economy certainly hasn’t helped, and simply looking at the blank spaces in the weekly bulletin (and the very large area devoted to asking for ads) tells you that the downturn is hitting some of us.

We believe people make this decision to attend or leave for a variety of reasons. Every person leaving is not because of the administration, but they can’t be held blameless, either. She certainly isn’t helping, and she is certainly a contributing cause to more than a few families leaving. It behooves the school to know why these people are leaving, and to get real, honest answers.

Of course, it is interesting that they seem to be inconsistent in asking why people are leaving. Nice….if you don’t ask “some” people why they are leaving, you then can use only the answers of those you ask. Expect to hear these “selected” answers as the reasons why people are leaving over the next month.


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to everyone!

Anonymous said...

What was that comment in today's Crusader Notes about using your lights when it is raining? Sort of random!

Anonymous said...

Anyone know why Mrs. Ramos left?

Anonymous said...

Tired of being mistreated. I can't believe she stayed as long as she did. She is going to be subbing in public schools

Anonymous said...

So I guess it was the usual crap that goes out when someone leaves the school? The school always has some kind of politically correct reason. Good for Mrs. Ramos. I hope everything goes well for her.

Anonymous said...

Oh I don't think you will ever hear the truth about how poorly individuals were/are treated at the hands of administration.