Friday, February 13, 2009

Spreading like wildfire

One interesting character trait that is coming out as a result of the purges that have occured with students and teachers is some seems to be a mixture of meanness and vindictiveness. More interestingly are the results.

We've had schools call back to the principal for input as to students who have left, perhaps when the parents and Denise have not always seen eye to eye. She has refused to give any recommendation or characterization of the student, using the excuse she didn't know the students well enough. While theoretically possibly true, it blows the mind that a principal couldn't defer this to another staff member who COULD give such a recommendation. It also bewilders the asking school, who find it hard to believe that any principal would admit to such a lack of knowledge.

Schools have called on other personnel matters, getting equally odd answers. Refusing to give a recommendation is one thing, but implying dark things is another. Fortunately, the calling schools ignored her comments, but later got clarification on some of the goings on at the school...spreading her Denise's fame even further.


Anonymous said...

How do you know of this?

Personnel matters and student records are supposed to be confidential. I assume that any discussion between two principals would also be confidential.

If you are implying that principals from other schools are openly discussing the content- or lack thereof- of their conversations with Mrs. Jacono, then that speaks more to their lack of professionalism than it does to her vindictiveness.

Two wrongs don't make a right.

The Quizzinator said...

You would be 100% correct if the information came from the other principals...but it is not. What is happening is that the principals, puzzled by the odd answers they are getting, are going back to the source. Think about it - if the response you got from a school that you had sent your kid to for a couple of years would not give a characterization, wouldn't you want to know about it? I guess you can try to paint a scenario where the kid is a bad kid and she wanted to "protect" the child, but that isn't the case, and her odd answer certainly raised questions...more about her than the student.

As for what other principals are saying about the situation at Holy Cross - let's just say it is what they are not saying, or the questions they are asking of those who have left that is where they are getting their information.

Anonymous said...

As "one who has left" I can back this story up. Principal at the new school has asked me what is up with Jacono. She has quite a reputation in surrounding districts. Some principals don't even bother calling her because she is known to be off her rocker during phone conversations.

The Quizzinator said...

Thanks for the back up.

It never ceases to amaze me how her defenders can poke through one of these postings and find something to twist into a counterattack. Be it one phrase or simply jumping to conclusions NOT listed here, the actual issues aren't addressed.

I may post a bit of the process I go before I post here, but suffice to say I rarely rely on one person telling the Quiz Network a juicy story. I wish I could; I've heard GREAT stuff that I can't verify or that by telling would expose the story teller, and/or me. I don't want to make some an even greater target than they are now.

Anonymous said...

"She has refused to give any recommendation or characterization of the student, using the excuse she didn't know the students well enough."

He said she said stuff...which should not surprise anyone who reads this mess.

And yes I read this mess because someone needs to refute your gossip and inuendo.

The Quizzinator said...

As I've said more than once...yes, the incidents given ARE vague, on purpose. I stand by what they say because I know how she treated the people before they left, and it was not surprising that she continued this vindictiveness after she left.

You are in a situation where you can't prove a negative. You can't prove that she didn't do such a thing, or ever did. In my case, I put the stories out there after I hear from one or two different sources, and people posting tend to back me up.

However....I play fair. I must protect my sources and myself, but this should be a simple task, friend.

Give me somebody that had some level of disagreement with Denise from last year that she did reach out in some postive way. You've got a biiig list of people to choose from, from those who called her out, to those they threatened with throwing out of the school, to those she threatened to fire, to those she ignored, to those she snubbed...tell me something positive she did for any of them.

Anonymous said...

I'm just waiting for the day WHEN the defender gets the same treatment that so many others have received so that she understands how we feel.
I am not a vindictive person but remain shocked at the crummy treatment received at the hand of a "Christian" educator.
I was one who never could have conceived the brutal treatment for NO REASON from Jacono's hands.
I am not a trouble maker, do not stir the pot, work hard to do what is best for the school, and bend over backwards to help.
Hopefully my prediction will be wrong but would not place money on it.

Anonymous said...

"You are in a situation where you can't prove a negative. You can't prove that she didn't do such a thing, or ever did. In my case, I put the stories out there after I hear from one or two different sources, and people posting tend to back me up."

Quiz you forget the primary tenet of our Judicial System..innocent until proven guilty. My defense hurts no one. I have called no one out. I have embarassed no one. Your attacks however are just that attacks.

"Give me somebody that had some level of disagreement with Denise from last year that she did reach out in some postive way. You've got a biiig list of people to choose from, from those who called her out, to those they threatened with throwing out of the school, to those she threatened to fire, to those she ignored, to those she snubbed...tell me something positive she did for any of them."

I've not always had the greatest relationship with Mrs. Jacono. I've had to meet with her a time or two. While I didn't always agree with what she said, the school did right by my child.

The Stones said it best 35+ years ago, "You can't always get what you want." Your crusade may have some merit. But no one will ever know until some of these "vague" arguments are given a face and a voice.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately it is difficult to really put a name with the injustice because of fear of retribution. I still have a connection with HC and don't feel comfortable putting my name out there. I guess you'll just have to take my word on it that she has treated me very very poorly and in a non-Christian manner, not to mention how unbelievably unprofessional she has acted. It is absolutley sickening that she is in a "leader" of our Catholic school.