Sunday, February 1, 2009

Private School Blues

One thing that we've said time and time again is that people leave schools for a variety of reasons, and the economic downturn certainly has an effect everywhere. I'm posting the article and will have some comments on it later, but I thought I'd give everybody else a chance to have the first word.


Anonymous said...

Read that article too. J will probably use the economy as the reason that everyone is leaving the school.

Anonymous said...

As a former parent let me just say that the economy had nothing to do with my pulling my child from HC last year. Putting my child in public school was a painfully difficult decision but was the right one for us. We only wish that we would have made the move sooner.

Anonymous said...

As one who will be switching schools next year, the economy has nothing to do with the decision. Maybe we should have made the move last year, but we wanted to give Mrs. Jacono another chance...but I too wish I had moved last year.

Anonymous said...

Just a different perspective here. Our family has been very affected by the economic downtown. However, we will continue to do all we can to keep our kids at Holy Cross.

Anonymous said...

Many familes would have done "whatever it took" to keep their kids at Holy Cross a few years ago. Things have changed for many who see her true colors. We are also considering pulling our children out next year and the economy has nothing to do with it.

The Quizzinator said...

Good comments, all.

The fact remains that the economy WILL have an impact on some people. I think back a few months ago when gas was over $4.00 a gallon, and I heard grumblings for the first time over the price of gas.

I also believe that those who want the education that HC brings would have cut back in other areas before they pull the kids out. I do think it takes more than an economic downturn to have parents take the steps of changing schools, which is why the number of people who are leaving because of the Principal, even if you accept her numbers (which we here think is charmingly low), is so distressing.

The Quizzinator said...

I give Denise credit for one thing...she can certainly spin a story.

Today's newsletter was a great show of someone in denial. What does it matter, for instance, the number of kids in kindergarten? It might be a good thing for the future, but one needs to compare apples to apples, and she is trying to pull the wool over people's eyes.

The fact is that the number have shown a greater than average decrease under her...and if you look at other schools in the area, they generally are not having the same issues. Yeah, the fundie schools are having problems, but their problems are more of too many schools chasing the same number of families who are willing to sport anti-Darwin tee shirts.

Again, for those who are a bit slow...I do NOT think that everyone who is leaving is 100% the responsibility of the principal, but I also DO know that she is responsible for a certain number. Too many people are way too polite when they give a reason for leaving.

Maybe someone will actually look into WHY so many people aren't coming back. The Quiz hears it is about 20 on top of what we already lost...and this may (or may not)include those who sent in the registration in the hope against hope that there will be changes next year.

Anonymous said...

we left, mid year, nothing to do with finances, everything to do with J