Friday, March 6, 2009

Part I of Recomended changes

I didn't like the way the last post came out, so I'm going to break the next posting into two parts.
However, I did notice a few odditities about the report, starting with it designating Holy Cross as an "urban" school. Okay, we're within city limits, but do you really think one would or should call it this?

Anyway, on with the post....

The pursuit of the goals set forth in the action plan to ensure the school’s strategic plan
remains a living document

In other words, update and modify the existing plan to something that has measurable items. No arguments on this.

• The establishment of an Office of Institutional Advancement that will ultimately include a Director of Development

This would require good community and alumni relations, which aren’t exactly a strong point right now. THIS probably should be a priority, even in troubling economic times. However, I think any resources are being forced into simply looking for bodies to put in the seats.

• The pursuit of a traffic control study and the establishment and enforcement of rules to address safety issues.

Something that some have been calling for since she got here and pursued a few actions that made the traffic problem worse. The "enforcement of rules" works IF the rules make sense and actually would help solve the problem.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In response to this suggestion.

"The pursuit of a traffic control study and the establishment and enforcement of rules to address safety issues"

The last traffic study was done YEARS ago by Del Dot.