Sunday, July 20, 2008

Credit where due

Let's give Denise some credit for getting us a big thick packet of information to interupt our summer and to remind us of the harsh realities that await us in less then 60 days.
I'm going to emphasize a few positive things I've noticed...

1. Volunteer List! Woo-Hoo!
Okay, she only wants people in two limited areas, and how she can figure that one can volunteer for specific days for the entire year is questionable, BUT this was one of the things she was hammered about last year. I think the school would be better off with an expanded list, but this is proof that the pressure we've put on has had some effect. All of you who talked to her or Father Dan about this, give yourself a hand! A small victory, but a victory, nonetheless!

2. School Board: Probably also something done under duress, but it is going to happen. We'll have to see how independent they are, and if she actually listens to them.

3. Teachers: She has made significant progress in replacing some of the teachers who have left. Granted, only one is certifed (not sure the Pre-Ks or specials have to be), and one is coming down from Holy Rosary, but it is not all bad.

4. Schedule: The schedule looks better this year, with honor roll assemblies actually scheduled. Wonder if they'll have pizza or ice cream this year?

5. School Code: Minor changes are coming, hopefully on those areas that were not really clear. I would watch this one real close....

No letter about Internet safety agreement and proper use this year....I wonder why?


Anonymous said...

You may give yourself and others kudos, but the fact of the matter is Mrs. Jacono is doing what she and other leadership thinks is right for the school...something she gets paid to do!!

The Quizzinator said...

I agree...although based on the stack of complaints she and Father Dan had on these subjects, and her very obvious distate for them during all of last year, she obviously had a bit of "help" in coming to these reversals.

I applaud her on this change...way to go, Denise!

Anonymous said...

Hold on there, Quiz... "reversal" may be too hopeful of a word. I'm sure there were children (and parents) who depended on Mrs. Sewell for emotional and other guidance. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I didn't see anything in the packet about her departure from HC or a replacement. Omission of info? Oversight?

Anonymous said...

Hey people move on! That cannot be held against Mrs. J.

Anonymous said...

So you don't believe she left because of how she was treated?

Anonymous said...

I personally do not have information that would allow me to say that yes, she left because of the way she was treated by administration, but it would be the logical assumption and I'm sure there are others out there who know for sure.

Anonymous said...

She wasn't happy.

Anonymous said...

There is no question that Mrs. Sewell left because of the horrible treatment she recieved from the principal. She was not alone.