Speaking of the school calendar....
When we received that orange slip of paper announcing the resignation of the drama teacher, it was said that the drama program would remain the same for the upcoming school year under the direction of the current music director. However, did anyone besides me notice that there are no school plays on the calendar for next year? There is a grade 3-5 Christmas musical, a grade 6-8 Christmas Musical, and a grade 6-8 musical in April of next year. That isn't the same thing at all. It leaves out a lot of younger children who have participated in many of the wonderful KFTE productions. There will be a tremendous void in the school lives of all of the students who participated in this activity! I doubt that the principal recognizes this since she did not see either of this year's productions or bother to poke her head in to any of the rehearsals and witness, first-hand, the joy experienced by the students. What a shame!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
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Hey Grump, maybe now my kid'll get some Art Instruction..Know what I mean?
Grump...weren't all the plays musicals? I'm not an artsy-fartsy kind of person, but we had two plays this year and the winter musical....I don't see the difference, other than eliminating some younger kids from the production...but that means their will be more opportunities for older kids.
Your comments about her not showing up notwithstanding (amazing that a wheel-chair bound Father Hanley made it, but Densie did not), this is an area where we'll have to disagree, and I thought we agreed at our staff dinner at Wild Quail to never do that...
I would want to hear the reason behind the switch. If it is to give the older kids a bit more attention and better instruction it falls into the catagory of things that I am not going to be making up protest signs for.
I wonder, though, if she is going to get "producer" credit, as she did up at Holy Rosary....I'd love an explanation of what that means.
I have never had a problem with the "art instruction" my children receive. That comment didn't make sense.
Obviously you and I don't hang out in the same circles. Nor do we share the value of a well rounded Art Curriculum...
Curriculum cannot be blamed on an individual teacher because teachers (and school administration for that matter) don't set the guidelines for what will be taught.
that is the dumbest thing I've read yet!!
Curriculum:Under the Compulsory Education Statute, private schools must provide regular and thorough instruction in the subjects prescribed for the public schools of the state. Del. Code Ann. tit. 14, § 2703(a).
Delaware requires all private schools to provide regular courses in the United States Constitution, the Delaware Constitution and government, and the free enterprise system in grades eight through high school. The extent and content of courses is determined by the State Board of Education. Del. Code Ann. tit. 14, § 4103.
Delaware provides driver education instruction for students attending nonpublic high schools. The State Department of Education, with the consent of the State Board of Education, regulates and supervises the program including the qualifications of drivers education teachers, their salary, and school assignments. Del. Code Ann. tit. 14, § 127.
Safety: All private schools are required to have at least 1 fire drill each month when school is in session and to keep all doors and exits unlocked during school hours. The State Fire Marshal, or his deputies, must inspect all schools as to fire exits and reasonable safety standards. Del. Code Ann. tit.16, § 6607(d)(e).
Private schools must set dates for fingerprinting students (grades k-9) and provide school facilities and personnel. The Superintendent of State Police will provide training for volunteers who are nominated to assist by the private schools for this purpose. Private school officials must notify parents/guardians of the date set for fingerprinting. Only pupils with signed authorization by parents/guardians may participate. Private schools must cooperate in setting up the program, but the fingerprinting of students is not mandated. Del. Code Ann. tit. 11, § 8526.
Did the school have monthly fire drills? I don't remember hearing about them. Did HC offer fingerprinting? I think there was a group that came in to do ID's a couple of years ago, but I don't remember anything last year.
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